March 22-26, all virtual

Right now you're tired, overwhelmed, in need of a break and a breakthrough!

All of us busy women are in need of a reset and a fresh start!

You'll learn the exact proven techniques, strategies and practical tips I use, including how to powerfully shift your mindset (the foundation of any healthy lasting change), keep energy levels steady so you're not hiding in the pantry from the kids or drowning in a pint of Ben and Jerrys, prioritize yourself and your body's needs, and practice simple daily self care, along with making healthy & delicious real-food recipes, with shopping lists, resources and more, all streamlined and all DONE FOR YOU.

My program has done wonders for women trying to do it all, just like you.

Want the secret?

Commit to this reset for 5 days and you'll feel renewed, energetic, balanced, vibrant, and feel better in your skin! You 'll have the proven tools you need to eat healthy, without all the fuss and overwhelm.

You'll feel healthier and happier in body and mind, motivated to continue prioritizing your health!

*Imagine how good that will feel!

Think of all the time and energy you'll save by having all of this streamlined and done for you by an expert!

You Get (over a $440 value):

·      Daily email support with bite-sized topics, tips, techniques and motivation

Live interactive workshop via zoom 3/22 8pm ES

·      Private Facebook group for community support & access to ask me all your questions

·      Delicious, easy recipes, meal plans, shopping lists

·      Reset practices & techniques to get you feeling renewed & healthy

·      Printable resources, giveaways, and more!

VIP BONUSES when you Sign Up by Tuesday 3/16 ($147 value):

1) Exclusive digital COOKBOOK + smoothie Cookbook with easy, delicious recipes for you and your family that will save you time and make healthy eating EASY!

2) Kristen's Exclusive BLACK BOOK OF DISCOUNTS with favorite items to save you tons and remove all the guesswork (*This is a limited time offer and soon will only be available to 1:1 private coaching clients!)

Kristen is such a wealth of knowledge and experience, and she makes it fun to learn and to actually WANT to make healthier choices and build a healthier lifestyle. Her recipes are to die for and so flavorful! I use them all the time, along with the discounts for healthy products. This is the best way to reset to feel better in my body, mind and overall. She does all the work to make this easy, accessible, and very effective! — Marie S.

Sick of feeling tired and blah?

Ready to hit the RESET button to kick-start healthy habits that will change your body, mind, and life?

Limited Spots Available, don't miss out!